Hiltingbury School Shelter
Hiltingbury School Shelter
This shelter is a joint collaboration with Hiltingbury Junior School. Initial plans were made at the first meeting held at the school on 11 December 2018 to discus the project , and a second meeting held on 8th January 2019 to discus materials and costings
Work started in earnest setting out the site on 19th February 2019. Construction of the shelter commenced on 1st March 2019. The shelter is being constructed at Hiltingbury Junior School in a new pond dipping area. Project managed by Martyn Shears of the RSPB working as a volunteer for the school, and the Chandlers Ford Men's Shed are helping with construction of a shelter - an area where the children are able to investigate their pond life findings!
The new pond area is now completed, and was handed over to the school on the 30th April 2019.
Below are some photos of our progress and the finished shelter.